Messenger Oracle - Protect the Wild & Green
/Messenger Oracle - Protect the Wild & Green
My Interpretation of the Card
Take some time to be out in nature. Really establish a connection and feel what Mother Earth has to say. We live in a time where pollution is ruining Mother Earth. This may be the moment that you think about how you can help to protect Mother Earth. Is there anything you can do in your life to make a difference that helps Mother Earth? Is there anything you can do enlighten others with? We need to protect the environment that nourishes us. It can be a small change or a grand one. This card has appeared today for you to start thinking about it more if you haven’t already.
Guidebook Meaning - Summary
You are the guardian of the Earth and all who share it – the trees, the animals, the birds, insects and inhabitants of the ocean blue. It is time to play an active role in protecting and preserving the wild and green by being aware of, and limiting, your impact on the natural world. This world is not yours to possess; it is a gift given to you and your children. Tread gently and tread with care. Walk with love. Remember, the relationship with the world is a symbolic one.
Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think I did well today. I was getting on the right path of thinking about the impact we have on the world and to try and make a difference in it.
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