Sacred Power Reading Cards - Angel Assistance

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Angel Assistance

My Interpretation of the Card

An Angel is here to assist you in your time of need. There is healing that needs to take place in order for you to be your best. From your crown through to your base chakras, there is a cleansing that needs to occur and the angel can be called upon to restore balance. There are moments in life where accepting Divine power allows you to open and transcend. It is through this power that allows us to centre ourselves and allows us to handle all the challenges that come our way. Know that the Angels are always there listening and waiting to hear your call. Call upon them when you need Divine light to enter your life and inspire you to accept a better way.

Sacred Power Reading Cards Angel Assistance


Guidebook Meaning – Summary

You asked for the Angels help and they are here to guide you. They provide support, divine wisdom, knowledge and healing. They share messages through thought, synchronicities, signs, people and nature. Right now, the Angels have arrived to connect you to the Divine source. Powerful healing is taking place to align you to your life’s purpose. This is also a time to expand your spiritual awareness and intuition as connecting with Angels provides a bridge to the higher realms.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think I was on the right track. I had the idea but may not have conveyed it like the book. This has been a good attempt at the card.

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