Breaking off friendships

I had to cut off a friendship today. Trust me, it's not always an easy decision but when that person doesn't fit into your puzzle, then why try make that piece fit? I like to give people chances. Everyone deserves second chances, sometimes even third and fourth chances. I think it's in our nature to forgive. I was faced with a difficult situation that was forgivable. I genuinely wanted my friend to seek professional help and recognise their wrong doings in this situation. I was willing to put aside anger and take them to get the help they needed. They sought help once... just once, and thought they were fine after that. Appearances would suggest everything was fine - obviously, this was not the case. The reason I decided to part ways was because friendship takes two. To me friendship should flow naturally and yes, we go through our ups and downs, but it is also how we can overcome situations together that count. Understanding each other is imperative. When this fails, then the friendship follows suit. I tried to be there - that didn't help. I tried to explain my feelings of the situation and why I felt the way I did - there wasn't a true acknowledgement nor understanding. I tried to understand their questionable decisions out of concern - apparently it wasn't my place to judge. We had lost our friendship and now we don't really know each other.

What I learned today is that, not everyone is going to bring positivity in your life and maybe they aren't meant to be part of YOUR bigger picture. You shouldn't feel bad for the decisions YOU make that will make YOUR life better. Sometimes releasing that part of your life lifts a weight off your shoulders. I definitely feel better. Even though I wanted to forgive this friend, it became clear that this friendship just didn't fit me. Maybe one day we may rekindle the spark we had and share the good memories, but either way, I'm happy if the friendship is there or not.