Day 111 - A Year to Clear - Throw Your Dreams Into Space
/Photo by Valentin Polo on Unsplash
Lesson 111: Throw Your Dreams Into Space
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.”
Today is about thinking of your hopes and dreams and releasing them into the Universe, the wind, to God (if you believe) or Gods & Goddesses, to the Earth… What we are doing is planting the seeds for growth. Whatever we desire, do it with intention, in hopes that it will manifest. We need to let go with fluidity as we do this. We need to ask for new signs as we grow and in ways we can recognise.
I want to have the focus to learn my light path and grow. I want to do this to help others. I think there was a sign where I was doing a workshop. We were discussing spell work in this workshop and that the Gods don’t know the difference in what coloured candle you use, and in the next room a copper vase flew off the shelf onto the floor. It was random, but it was a sign to me to keep at it… Well I took it as a sign. Weird stuff happens in that shop all the time, but never when I’m around, until now! I think my message was to keep on the path that I am on and the work I’m doing will expand in time. My growth comes in the light work I want to do and the witchcraft that will connect me with others. My growth comes in my faith that I’ve got a job to do and I have to keep working on it, in order to help others.