Day 114 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Always, We Are Presented With
/Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash
Lesson 114: Always, We Are Presented With...
Each person has their own path and stage in life. Sometimes we are presented with people that lead us where we need to go, other times you may find people aren’t awake, like you may be. We are presented with signs that we might not recognise and synchronicities and we may not notice. Today’s exercise is about thinking about the passage of pain and compassion, in particular, anyone who may have helped you move through these passages but came at a time of synchronicity.
In my experience, I was so alone in my spiritual path. I didn’t know how to get started. I didn’t really have friends that were into psychics, mediums etc or witchcraft so I had to think outside the box. I went to an app called “meetup” which I used when I first moved to Melbourne to see if witches formed groups in any way. That’s where I found Muses of Mystery (an occult store located in Melbourne) in which I was able to work at and start to connect with people. I still don’t know what I’m doing most of the time but I find that an all knowing force comes into play. I have mentors and speak to customers in which I learn from. I have made friends that are like me so it just all fell into place for me. I was very much in some pain and suffering through this time and needed the guidance and uplift of these people’s energy to give me drive and hope.
Besides this, I wanted to learn how to connect with the spirit world and this is how I came to know my medium teacher. I was on the hunt for crystals one day and there was a store on my list in which I didn’t get to called Qi Crystals (also in Melbourne). I noticed they had workshops on their website and I found this one that involved Angel trance channelling. I didn’t think I had any skills but I met with my teacher and the rest is history. I have opened up in ways that I couldn’t have imagined and get messages from the other side. It amazing how doors open if I just take a chance and walk through them. I have this notion that I should try everything at least once and if I don’t like it, then I just won’t do it again. It’s worked for me so far! I found that I was still in a place of suffering and pain when I met my medium teacher and she got me through some of my toughest shit I’ve ever had to deal with.
And lastly, I had asked from the Divine for some sense of community. I maybe even did a spell asking for it – I don’t remember. There were signs and synchronicities that I didn’t notice and I had to stop and say to myself “maybe this person is whom I’m supposed to connect with and learn from”. So, I just asked for their Facebook details or phone number and went from there. I have made some good friends this way which have taught me so much and I them. I think I am learning from my pain and compassion through meeting these people. Everyone holds pain and that if I hold compassion for them, it gives me a greater understanding of others.
Who have you noticed in your life that you might have recognised as a synchronicity?