Day 124 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - These Looping States of Mind
/Photo by Maaike Nienhuis on Unsplash
Lesson 124: These Looping States of Mind...
Today’s lesson is all about those cycling thoughts we have that distract us. By having looping state states of mind, we can really get stuck there, and this in turn attracts lower vibration within ourselves and externally. If we aren’t active in raising our vibration through activity, meditation, being in nature etc, these cycling lower thoughts will drag us down. The lesson is that the negative cycles don’t exist whilst you are trying to increase your own vibration. The simplest thing we can do is take a big, deep breath in, to start changing the vibration.
My viewpoint on having cycling negative thoughts and higher states of a vibration is almost a natural balance in our mind. Now, hear me out. People will speak to the ends of the Earth of being positive and always trying to accomplish this positive mindset. People who are negative and possibly suffer mental illnesses can sometimes be shunned just for being in a certain state for whatever length of time. In fact, there’s so much promotion of being positive, it’s like people don’t want to recognise the negative shapes us also. I’m not saying wallow in darkness. I am most definitely saying recognise those dark thoughts and grow from it. There is a lesson to be learned.
I have negative cycles all the time whilst I’m trying to raise my vibration. We definitely have good and bad days. Of course, I feel better when I do meditation for instance. But if I have something really bothering me, it’ll come back into my mind. To say that looping states of mind do not exist, when we try to raise our vibration, to me is half true. I think whilst we are doing an activity, it can free our mind for a moment, for sure. It’s in those moments when we stop said activity that our mind can wander. And, we shouldn’t feel bad for that. We are trying to balance ourselves with more positive from the negative, but not always can we fully eradicate those looping cycles.
So all in all, I don’t fully agree with today’s lesson. I certainly understand that raising your vibration with mindfulness can really make a difference, but to fully eradicate every negative thought, I just don’t agree with. I think it is human nature to go through ups and downs. And we shouldn’t be made to feel bad if we do have a down. We should always work through it, in order to come out on the other side. Just my two cents.