Day 135 - A Year to Clear - Strike That
/Photo by Felipe P. Lima Rizo on Unsplash
Lesson 135: Strike That
So, what’s one thing that dominates our life? Our own minds. It floods with both negative and positive thoughts. When I tried to google how many thoughts does an average person have in a day, it answered with up to 70,000. To me, that seems excessive because you can be debilitated with one thought that repeats over and over in your mind, and I just don’t actually think that many thoughts pass through my brain. I know I have had one negative thought engrained in my mind cycling through my mind because I just wouldn’t let it go away. It was all consuming. I thought max you might get a few hundred at most. Maybe I just don’t think so a lot?
Anyway, the point of today’s lesson is to teach us how to keep the noise that clouds our mind out. That we can use a simple term (which Stephanie Bennett Vogt says happens in a courtroom quite often) “Strike that”. obviously, this requires a lot of awareness by yourself. You need to recognise the noise as something that doesn’t serve you in order to block it out. This would take so much practise, only because we can succumb to other peoples thoughts and have it influence us. It’s about training ourselves to be like “No, this doesn’t resonate with me and therefore I shouldn’t think about it further”. Sounds easy but when I actually think about this concept, it would actually be training your brain to filter things out automatically. At first, you’d be assessing everything said to you before it became a routine, and then blocking out certain things that don’t benefit you or your mind.
Do you think this can be a simple task?