Day 14 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 2 - Inviting Awareness
/Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash
Lesson 14: Check In WEEK 2 - Inviting Awareness
This week was a focus on shifting focus to becoming more of a witness rather than actioning anything. I am to note down anything that this awareness has revealed and what changes I’ve become more aware of.
I thoroughly enjoyed the looking up exercise. Taking a moment to step away from the computer and find beauty in my surroundings was a really good practise. It reminded me that taking the moment to just have a minute of silence, appreciating what I was seeing, really was relaxing. Not thinking about anything and admiring the scenery was soothing. I realised I need to do this more. Don’t let the trivial worries bog me down when I can take a step back and just focus on something that will make me smile.
I do realise that having better time management for the activities I enjoy is something I would like to focus on. I really want to enjoy all the hobbies which encourage creativity but not feel rushed doing them all. If I can make up my timetable and be generous towards all these activities, this will increase my overall happiness.