Day 147 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Energetically, This Time is...
/Photo by Volha Flaxeco on Unsplash
Lesson 147: Energetically, This Time is...
Energetically, this is a time for spring cleaning. What can we clear or release that will be good for our well-being and soul.
I have been doing so much clearing this year. Faced some real hard truths and confronting emotions that I didn’t necessarily want to deal with but I feel the Divine will never give you too much that you can’t handle. I believe I still need to clear out my doubt I have in my abilities. I have to trust that I can be a medium and give out good advice. I have to trust myself more with the messages I receive and need to pass onto people. I think I get nervous when I am tested and start cycling in my head that I can’t do it. I just got to get rid of those negative thoughts towards self and just believe in myself more. That is something I definitely need to clear out.
What is something you need to clear to feel energetically better?