Day 169 - A Year to Clear - It Comes Built In

Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Lesson 169: It Comes Built In

A new week equals a new theme and week 25 brings us “Letting in the Light”.

I feel like the message is going to be about opening ourselves up to possibilities that the Universe has for us, but also, finding the answers within. We all have the power to reflect inwards and find the truth within ourselves. If I’ve learned anything whilst sharing this journey, is that we need to expand ourselves in order to find the joy we desire. I think living with an open mind and heart will do that.

Good news is that we’re close to the half way mark of the year and each day I’m learning some new things about myself, that I might not have thought before. I have been challenged and my life s unfolding in many ways. So let’s see what this week brings!