Day 176 - A Year to Clear - Take Stock
/Photo by Anna Utochkina on Unsplash
Lesson 176: Take Stock
New week equals a new theme and this weeks is “Moving Forward”. I have made it halfway. Hit some road bumps in trying to post daily but it doesn’t bother me at the same time. I just trust that I will make it work.
It really is a time to reflect how I’ve grown since the start of the year. I find that I definitely have changed and try to create a positive world around me. Don’t get me wrong, I know negative shit happens all the time, but I think the way I approach what comes my way better. If I can go to the deepest depths of the dark parts of me, face them and come out to see the light, to me, that’s an achievement in itself. I feel like I can face anything and accomplish anything I set my mind to. Sometimes I do lack in physical clearing, though my focus has actually been to clear the looming thoughts in my mind or turn them around to be more useful for me. I think bringing self-awareness into any activity has been my saving grace. For example, if I’m angry, why am I angry? Is there something I can do to change my thought process? Can I change the outcome? Can I dissolve these feelings and really think about what I’m going to say to prevent hurt? I think I’ve grown in this way. And the amazing thing is, it helps with my beliefs, perception and understanding. Everything I learn, I hope to impact even just one person with the wisdom I gain. I think that’s what I’m here to do and as I keep learning and growing, I know that I will do this.
My experience so far has been eye opening, not only to my inner world but how I view everyone and everything. I feel more spiritually awakened and I feel like I’m becoming my truest self. I like sharing my journey and hope that others can learn from me too.