Day 21 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - March of Days
/Photo by Sebastien Gabriel on Unsplash
Lesson 21: The march of days we use...
“Lesson 21: The march of days we use in this lifetime is not a useful way of measure your life. More happens in the moment of watching a blade of grass blow in the wind, or in the noticing the soft warmth of another’s body, than in countless months of schedules, work, progress.”
Today is a day to notice something that may be beautiful or profound. I had a very productive day today, brunch with friends, went to the markets to get vegetables, went to see Star Wars in 3D, chores, food prep for the week and then went for a drive with a friend to see the sun set at a beach I'd never actually been before. It was a nice day with a lot of activity and I didn't feel tired at all. I think that's the essence of life, being able to live and enjoy every moment, even when doing simple things.
The sunset was beautiful for me. Having a nice drink, bit of a chat with my mate James and just appreciating the city we live in. We went for a walk along a pier and then the foreshore of the beach, not with any goal but just to explore. It's those simple moments that I tend to appreciate more. No thinking and just doing. I've included some of my pictures below. It didn't even bother me that people were standing in the way. If anything, it gave a sense of coming together to appreciate what the universe has on display for us.