Day 215 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Many of You Will Get to Travel...
/Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash
Lesson 215: Many of You Will Get to Travel...
For those that get to travel in this lifetime, it is a privilege and a gift. Not everyone is fortunate enough to do this. This doesn’t stop us from imagining what it would be like to travel. We can always imagine this in our mind’s eye. For those lucky enough to travel, do you find that you learn whilst on your trips? Do you find your perspective changed towards your own life? Today we are to think about the abundance we have at home through entertainment, food, water, clothing, money etc and drop away from this group mentality of scarcity.
When I travel I love seeing how other people live. In most Western countries, I have found that many people live just like how I do in Australia. I think the most life changing places I’ve seen is when I visited Thailand and Philippines. What was eye opening was that people are more happier even though they don’t necessarily have enough or have what I consider to be perks. I think what I valued most was the true sense of community in these countries and how even though people might not have the best of things (what we consider to be the best in the Western world), they have great support of each other.
Travelling to these countries, I take for granted such things like clean drinking water for instance. I take for granted that I can have a nice warm shower every day and when I visited A Thailand village, the water was cut off and I was told we may have to wait a day before it’s back on. It was being exposed to such circumstances that really open your eyes. It opened my eyes to the stupid shit I worry about, but also how much stupid shit this world can worry about. I think about all those girls missing out on Kylie Jenner’s lipstick and their world crumbling, when there are people out there cut off from a water supply. I needed this reality check to actually see how shit group mentality and group fear of scarcity is. We actually worry about the wrong things but we’re overwhelmingly force fed shit, that we just go along with it because we don’t know any better. It’s back to bringing about awareness in ourselves.
I have never in my life valued all the things I have as much as I do now. I pray for those that need help more than I do pretty much every other day of the week. I am more mindful of my place in the world and that I can make small changes to make a difference.