Day 254 - A Year to Clear - Altars Are Everywhere
/Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash
Lesson 254: Altars Are Everywhere
Altars can be found everywhere and aren’t limited to religion. When you place your photo frames all in a certain way. When you arrange your flowers on a mantle. When you arrange your perfume bottles in a sequence. Or maybe you might even keep all your travel souvenirs on a shelf. These are all altars. Start to notice your altars today and see if any need to be cleared or rejuvenated. What is something you can move around today?
My don’t want to move any of my altars as I only recently placed them in my house the way they are for a reason. I have a crystal altar where I burn incense on and sometimes send well wishes from. I have my witches altar for practising my ritual and prayers. I have my book cases set up in a way that there are cushions for reading in between like a sanctuary in my hallway. My dressing table even has everything arranged by make-up type and perfume. I like how everything has been set up because I worked hard to get them this way. I do move things around when I need to because I don’t want stagnant energy lingering. For some reason my altars are more tidy than how I keep my house. Haha! Maybe because I appreciate them more because of the effort I put in.
What are your altars like?