Day 260 - A Year to Clear - Rest and Renew
/Photo by Zuza Gałczyńska on Unsplash
Lesson 260: Rest and Renew
New week equals a new theme and this week is “Resting”. We are to repeat the phrase “I rest in stillness. I rest in awareness. I rest.” and think about what that means. Do you get enough rest? If you don’t, then why not?
I feel like I could use with more time in the day – to not only do my activities, pursue interests and hobbies as well as get some good rest. I feel that time is something I lose quite often to. And it’s not that I necessarily mismanage my time, it’s more that I don’t have enough of it after working my 9-5 job. I would like to get some good quality rest time and sometimes I do book off random days from work just to do nothing and catch up on rest.
When I repeat those phrases out loud, I feel like I need to welcome more of this into my life. It seems simple enough to be still and aware in that stillness. I think I need more stillness in my life. When I am still and free of thought, it’s calming and peaceful – I feel free. If I could do this with a lot of my time and it not escape from me, I would spend hours every day doing it. I just feel like I have things to achieve in my life and it requires my attention. We shall see what this week brings in rest.