Day 269 - A Year to Clear - When in Doubt, Wait it Out
/Photo by Pawel Tadejko on Unsplash
Lesson 269: When in Doubt, Wait it Out
Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you just didn’t know how to resolve it? Did you start cycling in your mind various scenarios and outcomes though not really making a strong decision on any answer? Today’s lesson is about just letting go trying to control an outcome when you really don’t know what to do in the situation. If your instincts aren’t strong in either the yes or no column, are you able to walk away from the situation for some time and maybe look at it with fresh eyes at a later stage?
At the moment, I am going through a personal situation – something I can’t talk about in case of peeping eyes, whereby I am lost on what to do. A lot of the advice from friends is just to walk away from the situation, but there is this guilty feeling I have by simply walking away. I feel bad because I feel like I owe in this situation, when really I shouldn’t be made to feel this way. I think I actually just need a break from that particular environment and just not think about it for a few days or weeks even. I think for my own mental health, it’s best not to speculate and I need to occupy my mind with other things. Like this lesson is teaching, until you know for sure what to do, leave it until you do know. That’s what I am going to do. No need to ponder on it, just release it from my mind and do something else to occupy it. I’ll wait and see how I feel about it next week.