Day 272 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - It is Hard to Understand...
/Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash
Lesson 272: It is Hard to Understand...
…everything in human existence all at once. It’s not possible for the brain to grasp everything whether it is all the simple things or complex concepts. We can’t grasp it all at once especially the sacred and the mundane. Today we are to think about a mundane thing in our lives and make it sacred and also do one thing that is sacred whilst doing something mundane.
I kind of mix up my mundane and sacred more than I realise. It’s not that I mean to, it’s just that it happens that way. My mundane activity was to go for a walk along the main river of Melbourne. I didn’t know where I was going but I just walked to get some exercise in. Whilst I was doing this activity, I stopped to appreciate nature and the animals. I was praying that one day the river would be clean and that the ducks would have better waters to live in. This was my sacred mixed in with a very mundane task.
On the other hand, I was doing sacred work with friends that night which involved tarot and oracle readings. We ate Mcdonald’s (I only ate chips as I’m vegetarian) and ate chocolate. We also talked shit whilst doing what I normally would consider my sacred work.
I unintentionally did these activities this day before knowing the lesson. I think I do this a lot. I sometimes put up my witches shield as I’m walking to work. I meditate whilst the noise at work is going around. I meditate whilst I am in the shower. I also chant whilst in the shower too. I just think it’s normal to not over think and just do my spiritual work during mundane tasks.