Day 285 - A Year to Clear - There is No There There
/Photo by RODRIGO MTORRES on Unsplash
Lesson 285: There is No There There
Today we are to think about this:
“The problems are not "out there." There is no there there. Whatever challenges you is not coming from some external source.”
How does it make you feel? Does it feel like something that is out of reach? Do you feel that it’s okay if it’s still farfetched?
I think this lesson can be confronting. It’s about facing to the fact that whatever problems, issues or challenges you have, isn’t about the world, the universe or even other people being against you. There isn’t some active force trying to go against you at all. It’s not about placing blame on what’s out there, and it most definitely not about placing the blame on self either. It simply is a message that sometimes shit happens. Mistakes happen. What we shouldn’t do is beat ourselves up over it or place blame on something or someone. It just is. The best thing you can do is work through and then move forward from what challenges you. There isn’t a problem that can’t be fixed. Sometimes it’s just about looking within to find some answers to handle your challenges. Blame shouldn’t be placed in any instance. It’s about learning and growing.