Day 296 - A Year to Clear - Embrace Disappointment
/Photo by dorota dylka on Unsplash
Lesson 296: Embrace Disappointment
Today we are to purposefully disappoint someone. You can misconstrue something or say something that will be hard on the ears. The point is to detach from what people may think of you and rattle the cage. This will prove to be a difficult task for anyone that cares about what others think of them. For me, I don’t care about people’s opinions except for those that I care about the most. Today isn’t about revealing your darkest secrets but to stretch out your truth a bit more. If you feel uncomfortable doing this task (which I imagine would be difficult for many), just try and breathe through it. Sometimes we reveal the truth but not the whole truth. Just extend yourself further. You can do it!
My Tuesday consisted of mostly being wasted in the morning until 6am, sleep until 12pm, watching TV until 4:30pm before having a nap and then I went to see Sam Smith. I didn’t read this lesson before the day occurred so I don’t think if I said anything that may have disappointed someone. the only thing I can think of from the weekend was that I wasn’t impressed when my mother didn’t get her results from a cancer scare and I showed some impatience. I know I disappointed myself when I let my blog posts bank up and didn’t have time to read. I know I say outlandish things at work that make others uncomfortable and probably disappointed in how I approach things.
I mean, because I don’t care about what others think, I let things slip out of my mouth without thinking sometimes. It’s just that if people react, I can’t help that. That’s on them and not me. I don’t care how people react because I’m allowed to have a viewpoint. So, if I am always living this way without being offensive, then I am being truthful to myself.
Try out this task from now on and see how thing unfold.