Day 315 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 45 - Forgiving
/Photo by Sandrachile . on Unsplash
Lesson 315: Check In WEEK 45 - Forgiving
Forgiveness is a difficult challenge for some of us. It can make us uneasy because as I see it, it’s almost like giving up your power. If you hold onto an upsetting situation, you are letting that dictate how you act and how it holds over others. By surrendering, it’s giving away something that dictated your life for so long. When you think about forgiving, why do you think you hold onto the situation? How do you think you’d feel by just letting it go? Do you feel like you need to be right and have justice served? Today we are to write out and say out loud one thing that you are ready to forgive in yourself. See how you feel after. My sentence is:
I am now ready to forgive myself for my mistakes as I am only human.
I feel like it’s an acceptance of self and all that is encompassed for the learnings in life.