Day 43 - A Year to Clear - Baby Steps
/Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash
Lesson 43: Baby Steps
New week equals a new theme. The theme for Week 7 is "Going Slow to Go Fast."
Today is applauding the progress so far and knowing that we are rewiring the brain. I am to note what changes and new clearing habits that I’ve noticed.
I think the most noticeable action I’ve taken is when emotions arise to tell myself “it’s just weather” and then I breathe through it. I am breathing through everything especially any anxiety that comes up. It’s been a good tool to just get some calmness into my body and mind.
Apart from this, I am taking on the observer position more often. This helps gain more perspective and to regain control of overwhelm.
Definitely is a gradual process for a much bigger picture.