Day 71 - A Year to Clear - It's Just Energy
/Photo by Micah Hallahan on Unsplash
Lesson 71: It's Just Energy
New week equals a new theme and this week it is “Sensing Energies”.
Energy is constantly transforming, moving, evolving, changing and flowing. It doesn’t judge you and it doesn’t hold values of good or bad.
When it comes to clearing, from what I have learned so far, it’s about moving thoughts and energy in and out to create this constant flow. Some bad thoughts move out and some good ones move in. You move some items that you don’t use anymore out and then allow more space to move in. So, with us progressively clearing, we’re constantly moving energy around even though it may feel uncomfortable, it’s still with our purest intentions. By consistent release, it allows us to grow into truer selves, and thus, we invite more welcoming energy in. We are our own makers and I have never felt more connected to this concept in my life.