Day 88 - A Year to Clear - Breathe Into the Squirmy Stuff
/Photo by Alina Miroshnichenko on Unsplash
Lesson 88: Breathe Into the Squirmy Stuff
Today’s practise is all about thinking and saying out loud “I Am Enough”. I actually starting doing this at the beginning at the week and tell myself when I look at myself in the mirror. It makes a difference by beginning this at the start of the day.
You may not start to believe it when you first start saying it and you will be challenged by negative thoughts. For me, it’s really tackling those negative thoughts about yourself and really truly understanding them. It does take awareness to recognise what holds you back into truly believing that you are enough. It’s not an easy overnight you’ll be cured type of situation. I believe when you can really break down what’s holding you back, apply compassion, then you will have a foundation of where you can rise up from. “I Am Enough” will start to sink in and begin to elevate you.