Day 89 - A Year to Clear - Meditation - Enough
/Photo by Jared Erondu on Unsplash
Lesson 89: AUDIO Meditation - Enough
Today is all about focusing on the following phrases through meditation.
- I am enough
- I have enough
- There is enough
You can place some instrumental music on, take deep breaths and repeat each phrase, noticing what rises within your body, noticing how your breathing is, what thoughts pass through? Keep repeating “I am enough” for as long as you want and move onto the next phrase “I have enough” and finally “There is enough” when you are ready. You might find that you have to focus on “I am enough” and that’s fine. The point of today’s exercise is to repeat it for as long as you need in the upcoming days until they hold your true meaning to those words.
For me, “I am enough” is really about me accepting me as I am and knowing that despite my flaws, I am perfect in my own way. “I have enough” really sinks in for me the fact that I am aware of my environmental impact, and that material possessions are not a way of life for me anymore. I haven’t bought anything that isn’t essential in my every day life. I know that I don’t need to fill my life with “stuff” and I am grateful for a lot of things – like food, shelter etc. “There is enough” really enforces a need for me to want to help others see the impacts we have on the world. We lead such consumerist lifestyles and ignorant to the fact it has harmful impacts to the planet. This for me is much larger than myself, and it’s about standing with my cause and helping others see. Definitely a big job that will span over years.
How do these phrases impact you?