Day 94 - A Year to Clear - You Don't Have to Be a Minimalist
/Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash
Lesson 94: You Don't Have to Be a Minimalist
“- Things look a lot worse when they’re spread out all over the place and haven’t yet been put away.
- You don’t have to be a minimalist for your space to feel clear.
- A space feels good when your things make your heart sing, add value, and are placed with intention.
- Things without a “home” are clutter.”
The basic truth’s from Stephanie when it comes to clearing. They all make sense and I think the one that really stood out for me was when things are spread out, it looks a lot worse. I think that’s where I can get overwhelmed and procrastinate to do something. When there is crap everywhere, the last thing I want to do is sort through it but I have been telling myself “just step by step”. I think when you do find a home for everything, the space will feel right. I am still working on this and really have set myself the goal of the end of the year to really achieve the home I want. And, I am trying to be minimalist for my own wellbeing and environmental impact. I don’t really buy possessions or clothing anymore because of my own personal choice and I think it enhances to the clearing experience. This is obviously just my own experience in trying to live a better version of myself. I think the only possessions I want to add to my space is plants, but that’s more to bring some life into the space. Rid myself of that which does not serve me and move onto those that do.