Day 288 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Departed Are Gone...

Lesson 288: The Departed Are Gone...

Sorry! I had a week off because I was just exhausted. I didn’t have any energy to do the posts at night. I don’t know why I was being physically dragged down but I just needed the rest. Resuming my blog posts now.


When we lose people who pass on, they go on to experience new realms, new life, new experiences and live on through our consciousness. One day, we get to experience this also. Today we are to think about whether or not we believe in reincarnation, or past lives, or other dimensions, other realities. If you don’t believe in this, what do you think happens?

I think it’s safe to say that I believe in an afterlife. I think we are greeted by loved ones and ancestors into our own worlds. I don’t think there is one specific place that looks the same for everyone that passes on. I actually believe it shapes itself based on what our family builds on the other side. From anyone reading previous posts of mine, you would know I was raised catholic and believed in heaven. As I grow on my spiritual path, I see a world beyond the veil and it’s a different environment depending on what you’re doing on the other side and who you might want to see – whether it’s a family member, a guide, an angel… whatever you need at the time.

I do believe we cycle through lifetimes on earth. I think we may have been sent here to fulfil certain missions and soul purpose. We may live many lives before we fulfil what we were sent here to do. I have been given information that I am from another dimension and I have yet to find out exactly why I chose to come here. My missions in my lifetimes was to lead people in various ways based on the time period. If I had a simple life, it was because I was to take a break from these leadership roles. I have a task to do in this lifetime and that is to lead people into the unknown and for them not to fear it. It’s such a broad task and I need to work on the ways people will accept and follow that – not to bring about a following for people to follow my each and every word, but more so to show people a different way of thinking so that they have faith in life’s mysteries.

I think this life is exploration and acceptance. It’s how I can expand to help others. When I move on, I want to know that I contributed in my own way and when I go onto the next life, I would have done enough to complete this task.

What do you believe in?

Day 285 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Person Who Dies in Grief...

Photo by Chris B on Unsplash

Photo by Chris B on Unsplash

Lesson 285: The Person Who Dies in Grief...

The person who dies in grief will be welcomed again, in such joy! During reincarnation. Pain into bliss. The continual cycle.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about what happens to us when we die. It’s that unknown that we don’t really have the real answer to, isn’t it?

I was raised Catholic and was totally in the belief that there was a heaven and a hell. I used to think that heaven was above us and hell was below us. Good people went to heaven and bad people went to hell. How that differentiation was determined, I wasn’t sure. I was under the belief that I would go to heaven – you’d have to do something really bad to go to hell right? I believed in one God and the Devil. The Devil punished and God would allow you through the gates of heaven if you didn’t do anything too evil.

Then came a time when I didn’t believe in my religion at all. I relinquished my belief towards whatever I was taught in that religion. I don’t know when this started, but I developed a fear of what would happen to me when I died. I wasn’t afraid of dying itself, though I was afraid of the other side. Thoughts that cycled through my head included would I be alone when I died? Would I just go into an infinite black space? Do we cease to exist? Is the other side filled with ghosts and ghouls? I just didn’t know what to believe because I had lost the faith I used to have in my religion. There wasn’t a definite answer and therefore I didn’t know what to believe. Because no one really knows what happens to us, I just didn’t know what to think.

Now is a different story. I believe in the other side based on my own spiritual awakening. I communicate with loved ones crossed over, I have guides that talk to me when I want to connect and I’ve been shown that I’m not of this world. I know the Universe is vast and holds multiple dimensions and planes. These other realms are not separate from us – it’s all interconnected. It’s just that we are here on Earth and when we are ready, move onto the next life. What that next life is, I can’t say for sure because there are so many dimensions that exist, that our energy or essence will go forth into the next one. That’s what I believe. I have so much faith that there is more to us than just this life. It’s definitely a faith in the unknown and I embrace that more than ever. And if people welcome my beliefs on it, I’m willing to share. That’s the beauty of us humans, there is so much learning to gain from others and build your own outlook.

So that’s my journey through my belief of what happens to us when we die, what’s your belief?

Day 284 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Entities, Including the Departed...

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Lesson 284: Entities, Including the Departed...

…are easily accessible as they are able to pass in and out of the “veil” of this world and the other. There is no separation between all beings of the Universe as everything is interconnected. Today we are to think about whether or not loved ones crossed over trying to communicate with us would bother you. If they did, would it change how you view death? If you don’t want to be contacted, then why not?

I personally see my father’s parents from the other side. I cross pass the veil to see them. Not only them but an ancestor who is teaching me about my people from another time. I don’t know why I was interested in witchcraft, but I have more blood rooted in paganism than I know! I communicate with other people’s loved ones crossed over too. The other day I did a reading for a lady who wanted to connect with her grandma. It was really touching to be able to feed information that I wouldn’t have known and be a bridge for others.

I used to have a fear of what happened to us when we died. Didn’t have a fear of dying but had a fear of what happens to us. I used to think – did we cease to exist? Would I go to heaven or hell? What if I’m all alone in a blank space? Since I’ve been on my spiritual path, I now know that there is another side and a lot of other sides if I’m going to be honest. If I can speak to my family on the other side, then it means there is another place. If I can speak to other people’s loved ones on the other side, then it has to exist. I don’t fear death and what happens to us anymore and that is so profound. It’s about having this faith and trust beyond measure.

How do you feel about death and what happens to us?