Day 170 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Do a Cleanse...
/Photo by Brittany Colette on Unsplash
Lesson 170: When You Do a Cleanse...
For any type of cleanse you do, you’re trying to release something right? If you’re doing a diet change, it’s to be more healthy and maybe get rid of toxins; if you stop taking meds because you want your body chemical free; or if you’re just simply smudging to get rid of some negative energy, it’s all a type of cleanse. Today we are to limit what goes into our bodies and notice the feelings that circulate. It’s about taking away from our body’s addictions or distractions that it’s known and discover a new feeling.
I for some reason didn’t eat that much during the day and I wasn’t aware of this lesson prior – I tend to write about these lessons at the end of day. I was just eating a lot of fruit and that filled my day. In terms of thoughts, there wasn’t really much going on either. I just went to work, felt a bit tired, came home to eat, went to meditation and back home. Just went with routine and didn’t let anything bog me down in terms of thought processes. My body is clear of any alcohol and there was no sugary drinks today – not that I have too much of those. I’m trying to fill my body with just tea and water. For me it’s really about taking small steps and I can’t say my life ain’t bad at the moment. I do want to get to healthy eating but it’s sooooo hard in winter because you just crave warm, rich foods. I think if I start small with my drinking tea and water only, that’s a step in itself for a better body. What I do need to get onto is my stretches to help my back issues so this instead of laziness, I need to do the stretches to make my body feel good.
What can you limit going into your body today? And how do you feel?