Day 310 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We Think We Are Only Creating...
/Photo by Tyson Dudley on Unsplash
Lesson 310: We Think We Are Only Creating...
… when we are awake in the world. We can also create and manifest during our dreaming time. Today we are to think about what we dreamed of last night. If you can’t remember then close your eyes now and see what dream fills your mind.
Now I don’t remember what I dreamed of last night but I closed my eyes and just let what came. What I saw was that I was dancing around with a flower crown on my head in a field. Then the imagery changed to me doing ritual with a group out in some park or forest. There were trees in the background but I felt very comfortable in myself and where I was. What I really sensed was the feeling of freedom. The freedom was something I yearn for but don’t feel I have myself yet. The freedom I want is to be comfortable in showing who I am to the world as a witch. That people can be open to other forms of spirituality that isn’t a religion. That people are willing to be more open minded to who I am. I am putting myself out there more and more. I wear my crystals, Celtic rings and pentacle out and about now. I am creating my own way. I think it will become more acceptable. Maybe I just got to lead it for myself and for others.
What are some of your dreams?