Day 102 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - As We Have Discussed
/Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash
Lesson 102: As We Have Discussed...
We may find it easier to hold compassion for others. I actually think compassion for others is easier than holding for compassion for me. In this lesson it’s mentioned that people see themselves as not “worthy” of compassion of their self. But what really makes us different from the next person? Nothing really…. We are all beings that can hold compassion towards others and ourselves. It shouldn’t be different from one person to the next. So why is it difficult?
The lesson today is to think about all our good deeds. We are to think about the good deeds outweighing the bad deeds. If we think in this way, do you find it is easier to hold compassion for yourself? I guess by seeing all the good you do, and thinking that it trumps the bad, it’s easier to look at ourselves and tell our self it’s okay.
What if we reversed it and the bad outweighed the good? Can you hold compassion then? We should be able to do this because it shouldn’t be any different. The idea for today is that god and bad doesn’t really exist when it comes to compassion and that of which we direct towards ourselves.
For me, I think I’ve focused so heavily on the bad, well I’ll say negative things that have happened to me, and sometimes it’s truly hard to get past. I think I am a good, decent person who tries to live by my words, but I tend to weigh myself down with the bad shit that’s happened. I do have to tell myself that yes, it happened but there’s nothing I can change from it. Learn from it and grow. I think when I remind myself of those good times, it’s easier to hold compassion during those tough times. I am just like anyone else who gives things a try but they may not always work out. It’s just a constant reminder we need to hold for ourselves and then this makes compassion for self easier.