Day 138 - A Year to Clear - Reeling In The Monkey Mind

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Lesson 138: Reeling In The Monkey Mind

Today references a Buddhist term “Monkey Mind” that involves all the noise we create in our heads – doubtful, fearful, over thinking, over complication, internal fights, attachments, unsettling, upsetting, impatient, anxious thoughts. This is the clutter we create and it takes practise to tell them “no” or train ourselves to think differently. We are “reeling in the monkey” and usually these thoughts are usually stuck because of our own habits.

When our mind is becoming frantic, all we need to do is stop, close our eyes and breathe. At first, we may resist but the idea is to keep practising it. The more we give the monkey mind space, we will find it calms down. I know the practise of taking a moment, really calms my mind. I think if can take those moments, then we really see ourselves calmer and clearer to make decisions.

Stephanie Bennett Vogt describes this as “spacious detachment”. The way I interpret that is detaching yourself from the noise to welcome in spaciousness. I don’t think it’s to ignore those thoughts, but to have a more mindful approach to the noise that enters your mind. Is it a thought that you can mentally throw away? Or is it something you need to work through and then let go? Either way, it’s about reducing the clutter in your head to be clearer.

Day 138 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If The Entire World Could Exist...

Lesson 138: If The Entire World Could Exist...

Today’s lesson stems what from I said yesterday in regards to compassion – if we all applied it, then we would live in a much more peaceful state. There would be love, understanding and care. Most of our issues would cease to exist. Today’s lesson highlights that we probably won’t see this on a global scale within our lifetime, though we can be the pioneers to raise the vibration. We are to write down our thoughts surrounding the fact that the whole world may not follow this path in our lifetime and how that makes us feel.

I hope that we could achieve this level of consciousness – that with compassion we can solve a lot of issues. Imagine the world if we all spread compassion – there would be so much love and peace. I think it’s a challenge because we rely on our leaders to govern our countries, which for them is a tough job to do. They can’t always lead by this example of compassion because of the heavy duty issues they are trying to resolve. So, if they can’t do it, then it’s up to the likes of you and me to raise the vibration right? The world requires so much healing and I think it starts with simple acts of kindness to lift our frequency. Compassion not only makes someone else feel good but it brings about your own inner peace.

I mean, part of the reasons why I do these posts is to expand someone else’s thinking. I get the lesson from a course and express my opinion in hopes someone else resonates with it and applies it to their life. I think that’s my part to play in something more expansive and it’s a start in raising awareness and people’s vibration. If I can succeed on a small scale, then I think it can only go up from there. Well, that’s what I hope for anyway.

How can you raise the vibration of those around you? And how do you feel that the world doesn’t share this view?