Day 220 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Nature is Neutral...
/Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash
Lesson 220: Nature is Neutral...
To me nature is calm, governing, a protector, creator, destructor, renewal and transformation. Nature goes through cycles just like how we do. The only thing is that we might not realise it’s a cycle in our life where something dies only to renew itself into something else. Today we are to notice cycles of death and rebirth in our lives.
I think my most stand out cycle of death and renewal is practising meditation. I never used to do it but I do it every week now. Whether it’s just to calm down from the days I’ve had, or to go on a journey, I always feel like I’m a different person after I meditate. I always feel a sense of hitting the refresh button and there are moments where I get clarity on what I need to work on. I actually feel like it’s the death of my old self to make way for my new self. That is the only way I can explain it. Meditation is a constant renewal for me and allows me to transform into the better person I want to be.
The other most noticeable destruction in my life is how I view the world. I think the destruction of my materialistic needs and taking the blinders off to how we slowly destroy nature, has really allowed me to gain new perspective. I think it’s a rebirth of my truest self, by letting go the materialistic side of me, for someone that actually cares about my impact on the environment. I feel like that was such a major shift in my life that was needed. It was an awakening for sure. No longer do I feed into the mass consciousness that there is a certain beauty standard or trend I need to follow. I only gain the answers I need from within or educating myself to build my own perspective.
One more noticeable shift I have in my life is the decluttering. It feeds into the non-materialistic I have now and also wanting to be more minimal. I haven’t really bought new clothes in a year and trying to give away or wear down what I currently have. I feel by decluttering, I am making way for a space that’s truly mine and then I can feel safe too. It’s all small pieces of progress for my own rebirth. Steps towards the right direction.
What’s going on in your life that are cycles of change?