Day 230 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Think You Are Separate...
/Photo by Jordan Rowland on Unsplash
Lesson 230: When You Think You Are Separate...
Today we are to think about the misguided belief that we are separate. We sometimes tackle things on our own or reside into loneliness. We can talk ourselves out of not seeking help from others or not wanting to have the company of others. We need to believe that we are all “One”. We are able to connect more than we do or even realise. Today we are to practise that being “separate is illusion” and to imagine ourselves being separate and then as one, separate and then as one… See if you can break the illusion of us being separate.
I think separation is caused by the immediate environment we live in. I live in the Western world and even though we have things like the internet that brings people closer together, I have never felt more disconnected in my life. I think the internet has created a world where people are locked behind their screens and this doesn’t allow for personal interaction. I don’t really get the sense of community from it. If I think about tribal communities, they are the epitome of true connection and practise oneness than I ever have, or possibly will.
By doing this exercise, I can see that we as a collective are and can be “One”. I feel like the problem is that of our environment that separates us from one another. We buy our homes, we live in them with our immediate families, we may not interact with our neighbours, we focus on our family but not of others, we say bye to our children as they grow up and then we retire by ourselves or with a partner. I’m not saying that is everyone’s life but it’s pretty much the setup of the society I’ve been brought up in. There may be moments where we join a club for sports, arts, interests… though is that ever long lasting? We work hard to go home to rest and then rinse and repeat the day. It’s quite clinical in a sense – routine accompanying our lives to pay for the lifestyle we create. We are so disconnected from one another when we don’t have to be. We can establish true connection at any given moment.
I think if anything, this exercise has opened my eyes to trying to lead a life of more connection. If I am not getting enough, there is nothing stopping me from seeking it. Maybe I just need to try more in order to feel this oneness. At times, I do feel as though I am more connected to nature than people, though it still encompasses this feeling of oneness, so have I learned the lesson? If everything is energy and everything is cycling around on this Earth, then maybe we have more understanding of oneness than we realise. Maybe just being aware of our collective energy is all that is needed to feel more connected? I guess I will ponder on this further…