Day 256 - A Year to Clear - How to Create an Altar of Letting Go

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Lesson 256: How to Create an Altar of Letting Go

Today we are to spend time with our altars of release. How does one make an altar of letting go? I will list out the method of Stephanie Bennett Vogt:

·         Find a quiet area in your home with a small table that you will be able to step away for a few minutes a day

·         Place a colourful cloth down and place your item or representation of what you want to release on this table

·         Light a candle and ask the Divine to hold space for you. you may call in God or angels if that’s what you believe in

·         Breathe in nice deep breaths and say “"May this_______________[thing, thought, aspect of myself, painful memory, relationship. . .] be fully released for the highest and best good of all concerned. And so it is. And so it shall be."

·         Notice your breathing and any emotions or feelings that come up. Nothing is right or wrong, just embrace what comes.

·         Keep visiting your altar daily. Keep practising the exercise and start to notice changes in your life for the better.

·         Once you feel that the release has happened, remove the altar. You may very well remove the item from your life or notice a bad habit be gone.


The words spoken in the steps for a release altar is essentially a spell with good intention. I think if you believe that you can live without that object, beliefs or bad habits, it allows for more openness. Release those things that don’t serve you so you can start living your best life. What have you got to lose really?

Day 256 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - People Who Have Lost Everything...

Photo by Olia Gozha on Unsplash

Photo by Olia Gozha on Unsplash

Lesson 256: People Who Have Lost Everything...

…may walk around lost and not having it all together. They do hold something that we may not understand. They exist but without labels and things that define them. Today we are to think about what defines us and make a list. From there, apply Oneness to gain new perspective against your list.

I’m still trying to figure out what defines me. I think as I’ve been on my spiritual path, I have become more of a One than setting myself in a defined way. These are the labels and definitions I place on myself:

·         I am a witch

·         I am a friend

·         I am great listener

·         I am a trustworthy person

·         I am an honest person

·         I am one being just like everyone else

·         I am a daughter

·         I am a sister

·         I am an Australian

·         I am Asian

·         I am a home owner

·         I am a tarot reader

·         I am a spiritual being

Those are just a few haha! I think the majority of my list allows me to be One with others. It can be mish mashed into the collective and influence others. A lot of what I am is what others are in this world. We are combined and closer to one another than we think we are. We share a lot more connection than we care to admit. It’s the differences we create amongst ourselves that sets us apart.