Day 316 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Begin to See Entities...

Photo by Sunyu on Unsplash

Photo by Sunyu on Unsplash

Lesson 316: When You Begin to See Entities...

The world is surrounded by energy. You might start to see people who have left this world or balls or energy flying around. As this starts to happen, you will see these entities as filling the room and taking up space. Can you see entities now? Take a moment to feel the room and realise that this isn’t the first time you noticed.

I have mentioned on prior occasions that I see entities sometimes when I’m not looking for them and other times when I am trying to connect. I sometimes feel the presence of someone standing next to me and there literally being nothing there. I can sometimes see these people in spirit next to me but feel a physical presence in this world.

I generally find that when entities come to me, it’s when I’m not being open to it. It makes me think that they have some message to give me or someone close by though I may not always know. I mean I’m just trying to go about my day and someone drops in. It’s not that I really want to connect as I have things I need to do in my everyday life, like work, for instance. Sometimes I will ask what they want but they either don’t answer or just work in riddles.

In terms of density of a room – when there are many people around whether in a room or outside on the streets, I really feel a lot of energy. Sometimes it’s so overwhelming that it makes me ill. I like to go home in those instances and be in my own space. I can feel like I can’t breathe properly otherwise. But this can be a mixture of entities plus all the emotions that emanates off humans with whatever they have going on in their lives. I mean, I’m only human too, so the body can only take so much. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be a full empath. Taking on other people’s energy is a lot of hard work.

Well that’s my story. What did you notice through your own exercise?

Day 316 - A Year to Clear - Show Me Your Spirit

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Lesson 316: Show Me Your Spirit

Let it all go. Show me your spirit.
— Platon, portrait photographer

So, I’ve been away some time focusing on interview skills to land a job, and I haven’t been focused on spirituality as such. But here I am going to pump out all the remaining days and not do them in strict order so I get it all done before year’s end.

The new theme of the week is “revealing”. What I gather from the quote is that this is about letting go and revealing your true self. What really fires in your soul that needs to come forth or what is it that you hide behind that needs to be released. I think it’s about facing some truths about yourself in order to let your spirit be free.

I personally believe that I am quite an open person and that a lot of people hide behind themselves. I don’t see the point of not being open and honest – what’s the worst that can happen in doing so? If we can’t be our authentic selves, then wouldn’t it be exhausting masking in your charade? Let’s see what the lessons bring hey?