Day 37 - A Year to Clear - The Only Thing That Is Real
/Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash
Lesson 37: The Only Thing That Is Real
“The only thing that is real — and really juicy — is happening right this second.”
So I am supposed to sit with this statement and breathe into it.
Right this second I am typing out this post for my blog. I took on this daily as a routine, so that writing my book series is just a natural extension of me. I am taking an approach of writing one page a day for my book. That is all it takes and before I know it, I'll reach a year and have a decent sized book. Right this second, I do this course to free up my mind and physical space which reminds me I have some thoughts coming up lately that I need to deal with.
Besides this, I have How I Met Your Mother running on in the background. It was one of my favourite TV series so I am sort of watching it whilst I write. It's still as funny as I remember.
As I look around, I am slowly getting my house to the point where I will feel truly comfortable. I will get to the point where it reveals my true self and I'll be my highest self. The journey is revealing my truth.