Day 69 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Idea of Being Good...

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Lesson 69: The Idea of Being Good...

Today’s lesson is quite controversial but at the same time, it’s not. We tend to live with this notion that we need to be good, being bad is not good and therefore, if we aren’t good then we are bad. We live with negative things in this world with a lot positive also. We live where the Divine touches our lives but also the wicked can also. We can argue that we have bad thoughts but also good ones. There is always a natural flow of the two, and the lesson is about accepting your whole self without the attachment of always classifying yourself as good nor bad.

Today is about thinking about the idea of nice, healthy, good etc versus the idea of rebellion, not fitting in, bad etc. This all whilst asking if we think either is “true”.

This lesson is tough for me to talk about, in the sense that I get what it’s teaching, but I believe doing good deeds go a long way. I get the modality of having a yin and yang type of balance, completely understand that, but I believe in a type of karma of being good to others will allow a positive vibration, which naturally carries to others. I think yes, we have a bad side and I can accept that we’re not perfect in any way. We make mistakes, we get to lows we never thought we could, we aren’t always good decision makers etc. It’s in our make up to learn from failures and grow to overcome them.

I also believe that there are bad people out there whom purposely go out of their way to make other people’s lives miserable. Do I want to consider that I’m on the same level as those types of people? Not particularly, no. The lesson is to do away with thinking “good” is where you need to be. Just accept all the flows of both good and bad within you. Yep I can do that, but do I really want to be without the concept of good when not everyone is good?

As you can see I don’t necessarily agree with this lesson. I don’t think that we all are necessarily balanced in both good and bad, nor should we be. Sure, we go through one extreme to another but some people choose to reside in more good and some reside in more bad. Do I really want to give up the notion of being “good” when it’s placed against a “bad” person? I think we should always tip the scales to good.

Day 69 - A Year to Clear - Can You Receive?

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Lesson 69: Can You Receive?

Can you allow yourself to receive the fullness of your success?
— Oprah Winfrey

Today's lesson is to simply breathe in this quote from Oprah Winfrey. 

I mean can definitely visualise, meditate, set intentions and just believe in this concept. The way I decided to breathe this in was to close my eyes, speak out loud my successes and breathe in and out. I believe we can definitely celebrate small successes which may make up a larger picture to bigger successes. I think when we can appreciate even the smaller successes, it allows us to be more open to receive the fullness that Oprah mentions. What do you think?