Day 83 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Second Passage

Photo by Nathaniel Tetteh on Unsplash

Lesson 83: The second passage...

By now, you may have released some pain, if not all of it which is a great feat in itself! Good job! Today is all about moving into the second passage of the heart which is compassion. Close your eyes and let whatever image come to you. Feel the first person who comes into mind that requires some compassion. Note the differences between how you felt in pain to how you feel with compassion. Do you notice the shift?

The first person that came to mind was my dad. I don’t have a good relationship with my dad and I got hypnotherapy last week to clear some of the past trauma, and all associated attached feelings and emotions to those experiences. It’s been a good kind of weird, in that, I don’t have a rise in anger over petty things and I’m much more peaceful inside. The turmoil that once was, is now gone. With that in mind, the pain has ceased. What I do have to do for my dad is have compassion towards him. He’s getting on in years and I know he regrets his past actions, though there is no reason why I cannot have a relationship now. He doesn’t impact my life negatively anymore and therefore he has no power over me. I need to show compassion in the way that the past is the past, and let’s move onwards to spend whatever chapters we have left in a good way.

The most notable differences from the passage of pain to the passage of compassion is that there is more sense of peace and forgiveness. It’s about acceptance and tolerance of one self as well as others. It’s about not passing judgement and being kind.

Day 83 - A Year to Clear - Home as Mirrors

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze on Unsplash

Lesson 83: Homes as Mirrors

Taking a moment to think about the object you chat with the previous day, how is it a reflection of you?

My object is a spare toaster that is sitting on the floor, out of place and needs to be donated. It’s very much a reflection of me in my laziness and starting projects without finishing them. There is a donation bin downstairs and yet I can’t seem to take the object down there. I placed it there to declutter my cupboards so I had more space for my crockery and utensils etc. It’s very much shows how I started a declutter and didn’t finish the final steps and it’s a constant reminder of an unfinished activity. I need that extra push to complete it once and for all. I tend to leave a mess until someone comes over and I tidy up. It’s really a bad habit I have that needs to change.