Day 98 - A Year of Spirituality - Compassion For Yourself Becomes...
/Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash
Lesson 98: Compassion For Yourself Becomes...
Holding compassion for yourself is a good challenge. We went through the first passage of the heart which was pain and released our grief and as we become more aware, we move into the heart of compassion that evolves us into embracing pure love. If we practise the art of compassion, it will be easier to maintain over time.
I honestly believe this is the hardest thing to achieve. Dealing with pain was easier in the sense that you already know what causes you pain, you work through it and then steady yourself for release, but only when you’re ready. Applying compassion to everyone else and yourself, takes some getting used to. Especially in situations where you think it’s not deserved, though I feel like this is the lesson – to rise above what you think you know as right and wrong, in order to hold compassion in every situation. This opens us up to more understanding of the self and others. It engages us to tolerance and acceptance. We do not have to dislike ourselves or others for certain qualities, because when we hold compassion, it opens us up to truly understanding each other as equal and appreciating oneness.
When I was awakened, I really wanted to live with more pure love in my heart. It’s been challenging constantly. There is so much to learn about yourself and accept about yourself before you can move onto sharing this love with others. I think I am more self-aware than I have ever been but there are still annoyances in the way that I live and especially the ways others live (totally not their fault and just a conditioning of their environment), that I have to overcome with compassion. The things that annoy me are the way we are blinded to world and environmental issues and live in such a consumerist materialistic world that has no soul growth. I think I have a bigger job in life, which may not be right now, though definitely down the track, to really wake people up to the issues this world faces.
It’s good that I am doing this course to really open up myself to the passages of the heart in order to apply pure love in the world. I think this lesson of compassion proves to be quite inspiring and I will work hard to truly understand it and apply it. It’s a tough road but I like the test.