Day 168 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Signs, Synchronicities Abound...

Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash

Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash

Lesson 168: Signs, Synchronicities Abound...

The Universe talks to us in various ways through synchronicities and signs whether we notice them or not. Today we are to notice them and be amazed at the messages we receive. We just need to be open!

My Sunday didn’t really consist of many synchronicities. All I did was catch up on sleep because I felt run down, went to a friends house to watch Australian Football and came home to eat, catch up on blog posts whilst watching Vampire Diaries and go to bed. It wasn’t filled with messages to notice. Just a simple day.

What I will say that when I opened myself to my spirituality, things have fallen into place when I never thought they could. Like I asked “how am I going to find witches in Melbourne?”, and then all of sudden I’m working at a witchcraft store and finding people like me. I also found my medium teacher by chance researching crystal stores in Melbourne. I think just getting a thought in my head has led me to connecting to other people. I thought I might be alone but I’m finding that there are so many people out there like me and that makes me happy. I am living my best life right now and I am so thankful. Some people see sacred numbers everywhere but I honestly do not notice these number synchronicities. I just get people sent to me in various ways that are meant to cross my path and help me grow as a person.

I know the simplest of things that happens is when I think of someone and suddenly they are messaging me or appear in person. Sometimes I find it’s almost like a premonition of what’s coming. What I notice a lot is animals in my path that I believe hold symbolism to what I need to do in my life.

I also try not to overthink things and think everything is a sign or message. I don’t want to go fishing for answers and believe they fall into place. I think if you go searching too hard, you might just drive yourself bonkers and seeing things that aren’t really there. I do not believe in coincidence and everything is meant to be.

What synchronicities did you find today?

Day 116 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Sometimes People Refuse to Begin

Photo by Luca Micheli on Unsplash

Photo by Luca Micheli on Unsplash

Lesson 116: Sometimes People Refuse to Begin...

I think we hold a lot of fear to be open as much as we could be. If we opened our hearts, it opens up possibilities and opportunities. I think we fear the unknown big time and that can close us off.  Sometimes the Universe, Divine, God, Goddess… whatever you believe in will send us changes but we’re resisting to what should happen.

Today’s exercise is to think of a time when the Universe intervened in your life and that in turn changed you and opened you up. This can be anything from a birth, death, illness, accident, loss… whatever you think of, how did it shift you?

I think of the time I moved to Melbourne from Perth. I had just left to start a fresh, new life. A relationship just ended and I needed something for me. I didn’t know anyone so I was trying to live a life of my own. I was a bit out of control when I moved here. I drank a lot, I never wanted to be home and I made it a point to go out all the time. Whenever I was home I felt lonely so I compensated with trying to be as social as much as I could. I think one of my biggest wake up calls was not being able to function at work and having a team mate cover for me. I don’t know what my life was becoming so I went to see a psychologist. The Universe definitely intervened so that I wouldn’t spiral out of control. Going to that psychologist changed my life. His words really got me thinking from a different perspective and got me back on track. Sometimes I wish I still had his contact details because he gave me so much is such a little amount of time, but then I think, maybe he was just there in that moment when I really needed some direction. I became more open at this point when he opened me up to some more self-awareness. For someone that never thought that way, he opened me up to accept my flaws and work through them if I needed. He led me to strive for good things and I still hold onto his advice and apply it to my life. I am so grateful for this.

What have you opened up to with some divine intervention?