Day 39 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Stop Comparing Yourself
/Photo by Caleb Frith on Unsplash
Lesson 39: Stop comparing yourself...
You know what we tend to do a lot without realising? Comparing ourselves to others and that’s when we start to think we don’t have enough and/or others having it good. I’ve been a culprit of this many a time. Questions that may go through your head include “Why isn’t my life good?” “Why are they so lucky?” “Why can’t my life be like theirs?”. These are just a few but I’m sure you’ve had this happen at least once.
We really need to do away with this thinking. We are here to live OUR own life and have OUR own experiences. That shouldn’t be compared to someone else’s experience because they have their own perspective on the situation, appreciate the moment differently to you and hold value in different ways. The way you experienced a situation, is not the same as how someone else has experienced it, and never will be.
Today’s lesson revolves around understanding that everything we experience is for us alone for our own soul growth and healing. I am to take a moment to think about who I am envious of, to understand that it’s a whole person with a unique path and to think about myself in this way too.
Fortunately for me, I am not envious of anyone, as I have done away with thoughts of what I lack, and of what other people have. I am working very hard to achieve all that I want to in life and have done away with caring about what others think of me. I live my life how I want to and that’s the way everyone should live. I learned that I shouldn’t compare myself to anyone else, because they have their circumstances, and I have mine. It’s like learning a hard truth when you didn’t realise that you thought that way. I live my life very differently now. I know I am the only person to make changes in my life for the better. Sure, people will assist you but they are not going to help you achieve your own happiness overall. When people can be accountable for their life, be aware to what needs to change to make it better, they actually start “living”.