Day 29 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Miracles Are Not Magic
/Photo by Jose Murillo on Unsplash
Lesson 29: Miracles are not magic...
“Lesson 29: Miracles are not magic; they are merely conscious creation; they are energy intended. Miracles are manifestations, and you can choose to create in any and all aspects of your life. The moment you believe this, it begins to happen.”
Today I am to thinking about what I’ve been asking for lately and also what have I been receiving. Added to this, what would I really like and if I can ask for it today.
I’ve been thinking about this book I want to write, more recently than not. I just feel like I didn’t know where to start… almost trapped. I have the concept but where do I go from here? I thought character development is what I should start out with, but then again, will the characters just come as I write? With so much thought about this book and how to start it, I felt like I got an answer yesterday with an oracle card telling me to just write, and if I did 1 page a day, by the end of a year, I’d have 365 pages. Makes perfect sense to me. Rather than focusing so much on details, the answer is to just write and see what flows. It’s why I took on these challenges for 365 days – to force myself to write. To gain a habit so that writing my book series would be a walk in the park. I think I’m doing really well at writing consistently, even if it’s just sharing my thoughts for the world to see.
Besides asking for guidance for this book, I want to get focus on my studies with witchcraft, which is always going to be a never ending sea of knowledge, but I haven’t been doing much lately. Just anything in my spiritual path, I want to get really stuck into the wealth of knowledge that is out there. Sometimes, the concentration lacks so I want more of that. I guess time is also a limiting factor and the 9-5 job really hinders me. I gain most of my insight late at night and into the wee hours in the morning. If I could somehow not have a 9-5 job, I feel more productivity would come out of me. Something I will meditate on and see what answers come on how to manage my time.
On top of this, I really want a partner. I think having someone to share your day with is something I really miss. It’s not the same with friends and family. It’s the ability to love and be love – to gain that feeling back. Although I have my independence, I want companionship. I think that sometimes I am not fully satisfied in life because I don’t have this partner I seek. I want to have someone fully understand me and I them. I truly feel like I’m at the best point of my life. There has been so much self-awareness and self-care, I’ve worked through loving myself again and accepting myself, that having a partner couldn’t come at a better time. I’ll see what manifests without pushing it. It’s something I tell myself (and others), it’d be nice to have.
I feel that in terms of receiving, I am slowly gaining the community I seek - people who are on the same path of paganism and mediumship. I am slowly meeting these people feeling better about myself that there are people learning like me, but also believe in everything I do also. It’s a shift that this world is going through, and I think our mindsets are changing in the right direction. What I have also received is a much peace within myself. I feel like there is so much more clarity within me and I am a natural healer through words. I think with such a level head, it gives me a one up sometimes. I have gained the perspective needed to be on my path but also help others. That I can master the small things in life but also the larger elements of life also. There is so much wisdom flowing through when there were stuck thoughts before. It’s like I’ve mastered myself – if that even makes sense. The clarity is just so clear and pristine, that nothing is going to bring me down mentally and spiritually. I find it hard to express this but can only hope you reading this can understand what I mean.
So I’ll go home soon and meditate on the things I want, but also thank for what I have received. I am feeling good today despite my lack in sleep. With this positive vibe, I’ll see what comes about when I ask.