Day 145 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Even a Short Time Ago...
/Lesson 145: Even a Short Time Ago...
“Even a short time ago, you were controlled by schedule, that “to do” list. But now, as you enter into heart of connection, you realize that time also, is one of One. There is no difference in all the layers and levels of the Universe: time, space, matter, you.”
Today we are to check in and see what emotions and feelings pop up to your “to do” list. Is there anything that has changed in your perspective towards this and time?
I very much have an open ended set of goals. I don’t make a timeline of when to do my goals. I try and just vaguely set myself goals to do for the year, but really they can extend to the following years. My plans are things I want to achieve in my life with no set timeframe.
I guess the concept of time can be tricky because we are accustomed to a certain way of living based on our jobs and pretty much how society has set it. If we could all just do what we truly wanted and push work to certain parts of the day and do more things we loved, then really we wouldn’t base it around the constructs of time. I would love to spend most of my time reading, travelling, studying etc but then I have a 9-5 job. What the construct of my environment restricts me from, is flexibility with time.
It’s a nice thought to have time as a constraint. I try and go with the flow of things and don’t rush myself in anything I do. I am living for experience, so in that sense I am savouring time in moments and memories. As for a “to do” list, I am not strict on that either – it’s just a list of things to achieve before I die mostly.
What are your thoughts on this?