Day 264 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Do Not Have to...
/Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash
Lesson 264: You Do Not Have to...
We can become One just as we are… right now. We don’t need to affiliate to a certain practise to become one. We don’t have to follow a teaching, we don’t have to go on a vision quest, we don’t have to hang decorations to prove our spirituality… we can just be One at any time and just being who we are. Today we are to think about what we choose as a spiritual practise and to question if this is just another attachment.
I think today’s lesson is a good challenge. I base my spirituality around witchcraft and lightwork which encompasses mediumship, crystals and using divination tools such as tarot cards, crystal ball, black mirror and pendulum. I can also scry using wax, water and fire… well I think I can scry with any tool really. I think it’s good to question if this is another attachment and I suppose it is, but I’m not totally agreeing with this lesson. I think if anything, when I had no faith and spirituality, I was awakened and then found that my witchcraft and lightwork helped guide me out of my own plight. If anything it gave me strength and actually helped me to be connected with others which encompasses this notion of Oneness. I have it to thank actually, because if I didn’t have it to guide me and give me a sense of my own purpose, then I would have felt disconnected with my spirituality. I think it’s good to have it as a guide, even if it’s another attachment. It gave me a place in my immediate world and pushed me to think beyond myself also. If anything these practises helped me to become One. I have more connection with self and the human collective because of it. I have deeper understanding not only from those practises but also from this 365 day challenge I set for myself. I think there is always room for expansion through learning.