Day 55 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Wrong Path
/Photo by Lane Jackman on Unsplash
Lesson 55: When you see people heading down the wrong path...
I knew this weekend I was going to have a busy weekend with work and mediumship class, which didn’t really leave me with much time to post. Saturday’s lesson goes onto our need to fix others. When we see people going down a wrong path, we usually have an opinion about it right? We usually have our own viewpoints of what is right in another’s situation and what’s wrong based on our own morals and values. We tend to suggest a different way because we genuinely want to help but also tend to forget that everyone has their own path for their own soul growth.
Saturday’s exercise focuses on who have we been trying to fix lately and is it working? If we knew the outcome would be the same whether we tried to fix it or not, what would you do? And then the final question is for whose soul path are we responsible for and if we’re really sure about that.
I try not to fix people’s lives. I know I tend to give advice that I think would really help but I don’t feel like I’m out to directly fix people’s lives. I know from my own experience that I am the only person responsible for my life and therefore need to be accountable for all my actions. I feel this is the way everyone should be. I can listen and offer assistance, but ultimately, it’s your choice to listen and then make choices for what’s best. The only time I feel people should listen to me is when I’ve delivered a message from spirit. I know those times, you really need to listen to what’s being conveyed because it’s not even my advice, it’s that of the other side. There is something larger at play in those instances and I am just a messenger. I know not everyone believes in talking to spirit, but if I’m doing a card reading for you, then the message coming is important. In saying that, I don’t think I’m out to fix you, I’m just giving some advice for your direction from spirit.
I don’t feel anyone should be responsible for anyone else’s soul path. Everyone has a journey they need to go on and have their own experiences and learnings to be had. Sure, you can share your journey with others, though any decision you make in life is yours and yours alone. We’re there for assistance but definitely not fixing. That’s just my opinion. Answering the question if the result was the same, what would you do – I wouldn’t be fixing anyone in the first place but if I was, I’d stop because end result would be the same. Think about people you’ve been trying to fix lately and take a step back to think about why.