Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Vision

Angel of Vision

My Interpretation of the Card
You are a good judge of character and definitely get a stir in your gut if things don’t feel right. This is a time to really trust your instincts and also follow your intuition. Not everyone is trustworthy and aren’t always out to reveal their truth. If you have a feeling that something is off, trust that it’s not right. You have the ability to gain insight from your mind’s eye or having confidence in your gut feeling. If you have to catch someone out because they are being untrue, remember to do it lightly and with patience. Try to be understanding also.

Angel of Vision

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
The Angel has appeared today to help see you through a situation where a person or people involved are hiding part of the truth from you or not revealing the whole story. Do not rely on what you are shown or told and start to pay attention to your intuition. What is your gut feeling regarding this situation? Ask the Angel of Vision to help you. Trust your feelings and natural instincts rather than relying on what others say. All will be revealed as the turn of events start to occur.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I thought I was pretty spot on with my interpretation of this card. Good effort today. Move onto the Gods after this card.

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