Angels, Gods & Goddesses - God of The Underworld

God of The Underworld

My Interpretation of the Card

We are always growing and cycle through phases in life. We are always transforming as we do away with the old and take on the new. There is something or someone in your life that no longer serves you. It’s time to recognise that it’s time to move on from the situation. It may be an old habit, an addiction, a bad person…. No matter what it is, know that you have the strength to move forward from it, even if it’s in small steps. Whatever drags you down, will soon end. This may come from your own inner power to choose to let it go and make strides in your life. This may come about with the strength of others assisting you or you calling upon the Universe for guidance. Know that sometimes letting go of that which no longer serves you, will help you grow and draw your strength through anything.

God of The Underworld

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

The God of Death and the underworld has appeared in your reading today to mirror an impending death. Though this is not a physical death, rather a death in outmoded ways of thinking, belief systems and emotional patterns, that restrict or prevent you from moving towards a more positive and inspiring future. On a subconscious level, you have yearned to rid yourself of these traits which deep in your heart, you know keeps you from being and experiencing all you can. It may be difficult to let go but this part of you must die in order to experience possibilities. Surrender yourself, let go gracefully and trust. Death and rebirth are two sides of the same coin and one cannot occur without the other. Let go of the old to make way for the new.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I included in my reading that people or habits is what can hold you back. Not just patterns in your life. Sometimes it’s not necessarily what you are doing in your life that needs to be let go of, but also people. I like death cards because it always mean a transformation of self, some inner work and self-reflection. I always see it as a positive step forward.

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