Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Healing

Angel of Healing

My Interpretation of the Card
There are sometimes tough times we go through. The Angel has sensed that you have been suffering from hurt and sadness recently. They have come today to guide and send some healing light. Imagine a white ball of light above your head, and that light showering down over you, sending the light over your body. With each breath in, that light spreads through every part of your body, healing it along the way. You can repeat this as many times as you like or need, until you feel that you have overcome this trying time. The Angel is here on call when ever you need. Just remember to trust that you will get through the sad, hurtful, tough, depressing times that can come up in life, and to not lose hope. We always have the power to move forward.

Angel of Healing

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
The Angel has felt your sadness and has shown up to reflect healing into your heart. They want you to know that you are loved and even though you may feel alone or unloved at times, know that you are loved eternally. Whether you feel it or not, you are dearly loved and appreciated on this earth plan as well as the angel realm. Close your eyes and place your hand on your heart and imagine healing light pouring through with the presence of your Angel. You are supported by the universal life force of love and imagine yourself glowing in this light. You can talk to your Angel if you wish and ask them anything. You can speak to each other through writing or via thoughts and feelings. There will be signs shown to you in the next few days to indicate your Angel is there to help so trust and believe in their presence.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
Thought my efforts were quite spot on. One of my better readings I think :)

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