Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of Justice

Goddess of Justice

My Interpretation of the Card

Sometimes in life things go up and things go down. That’s just a natural flow of life. At this point in time, you might feel like the world is against you – like everything is going wrong and doesn’t seem to be falling into place. It seems like you’re fighting against a lost cause sometimes but don’t give up during these trying times. These situations are just a way of building us up to realise own our strength and resilience. We can grow from any situation and sometimes it’s through those darker times in which we really excel. Know that you have the power within you to conquer anything and if at times you feel lost, call on the Universe, the Divine or Goddess to come assist you. There is always light at the end of the tunnel if you open yourself to it.

Goddess of Justice

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

You feel that a certain situation in your life is in some way unfair. Yet be assured that justice, which is in effect the natural state of balance which is inherent in the universe, does exist. Justice is the universal law of cause and effect through which all in life is kept in balance. The recent event which you perceive to be unfair is actually a blessing in disguise, here to guide you towards your higher purpose. It’s hard to see the blessing but surrender the strong emotions and resentments you’ve attached to this situation. The Goddess is here to guide you and clear the path for something wondrous to occur. Just trust!

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I had the right idea but didn't express it in the same way. I think we have the power to overcome any situation that we feel is unfair despite us not seeing clearly at times. It's a really nice card actually. I like the artwork on it.

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