Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of Psychic Protection

Goddess of Psychic Protection

My Interpretation of the Card

Everything we do for ourselves is a creation of our own world. Whatever we value and believe is a product of our creation. Know that you are guided in spirit and you can call upon this Goddess, your guides or loved ones in spirit to always surround you with protection. They are always there to be called upon and are there to help. You might feel like you are worn down, your intuition is drained or that someone is bringing you down energetically or psychically. Know that those in spirit are there to assist you and would not allow people to psychically attack you in any way. Just believe in their power to protect you and feel their presence surrounding you. They are always there looking out for you.

Goddess of Psychic Protection

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

You subconsciously believe that someone is energetically trying to cause negativity in your life. This card has popped up to remind you that love is the essence of all life force. No one can psychically hurt you, possess or influence you unless you believe they can. What you believe, you create.. You do not need to protect yourself from others as much as you need to protect yourself from their own negative beliefs and fears. To dissolved these beliefs and fears all you need to do is focus on the light and love around and within you, and every living thing. Imagine white light surrounding you each and every moment of your life and know that you are protected and forever within the Divine light. Focus on the Goddess’ face that appears on this card and feel the love, light and wisdom, emanating from her. Know that she reflects the infinite love, light and wisdom within you.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I like the card interpretation better than my own! Haha! It’s more beautiful than mine. Not to say that my effort wasn’t a good one, but somehow I feel the book meaning was more touching.

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