Energy Oracle Cards - Goddess of the Moon

Goddess of the Moon


My Interpretation of the Card


This card comes today for a deeper spiritual connection that you are about to take if you haven’t already. It shows a woman holding a ball of light with the moon which radiates Divine light but she is showered with a calming water. She looks like she is empowered by being her true spiritual self. This indicates that now is the time for you to connect to your spiritual self on a deeper level. You will thrive by connecting to the Universe, the Divine and the spirit world. Your intuition is at its greatest point and you can allow yourself to be open for the next step in your spiritual journey. You are heavily protected and guided as you take on this part of your journey.


This card in reverse indicates your blockage to the spiritual side of yourself. There is a deeper spiritual connection you can establish if you allow yourself to be open. Maybe there is some fear or doubt but this card is telling you to be open and allow the healing energy guide you in your life. You are currently blocking your intuition or not fully opening it to receive the messages the Universe and spirit world have for you. Meditate on this and allow your third eye and crown to be open in order to receive. You have the power to achieve greater things if you allow it.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 Intuition, Going Within


This card shows a spirit holding a bright orb, standing in front of a crystal clear waters, arms stretched in receiving the light. This is all about intuition and gaining insights for all types of situations. This can be from the simple to the complex – like having a feeling to take another route home, to a new creative idea, an invention etc. This could also indicate an growing psychic or intuitive ability. Know that you are always blessed to connect to the Divine and this card indicates it is the best time to connect and grow. You may find that you are greatly inspired also.


This card in reverse indicates some blocked intuition or inner disconnect. You may want to know your inner purpose or truth but there is some dissatisfaction currently where your inner life is involved. You may have some worry around obstacles you’re facing. You may be the issue blocking you from getting past your situation so you may need to release fears, get out of your own way and call on your highly intuitive self to help you. Trust what messages come and work with them to move forward in your life.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I believe I had the right idea on this card. I remember this coming up in someone's reading and it was all about connecting to your higher self.


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